I Don’t Travel Because…

Devon Griffith
4 min readFeb 1, 2024

People have reasons for staying in one place, and people have reasons for travelling…

Most people stay in one place because where they are is what they know; it’s familiar. In short, it’s comfortable.

Before we further discuss this, I want to clarify what I mean when I say “People travel.” I’m not talking about work trips or seeing relatives each summer. I’m talking about why people go on vacations. People travel recreationally to see places they’ve never seen or famous sites, to escape the cold (if they live somewhere that gets cold), or to relax and enjoy themselves.

So if staying where you know is comfortable, what does that make travelling?

Easy. It’s enjoyable, but generally for the same rough list of reasons:

  • Seeing something famous, like Museo del Prado
  • Being in a place that society sees as “nicer,” like the beach in the sun
  • To escape usual routines: have hotel staff make your bed, people cook your meals, etc.
  • Popularity: When people see you posting photos worldwide, your friends and family (or at least a majority of them) generally are jealous of you. When you return, your “social status” is heightened. People will ask you about your trip: what you did, where you went, what you saw, etc.



Devon Griffith

Cybersecurity | Malware | Cloud Sec | Network Sec | HPC Architecture | AI / ML | Infrastructure | Solutions Consulting | Full-Stack / DevSecOps | Ethical Hacker